Core Beliefs
We are a Christian ministry whose doctrinal commitment is in concert with the Apostles’ Creed. The creed reflects a belief in:
The ontological uniqueness of the God of the Bible in relation to all things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible
That the God of the Bible is a person, not an abstract force
That God is a triune being, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
That each member of the Trinity is eternally existent and ontologically equivalent
The incarnation, virgin birth, and deity of Jesus Christ
The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ after his atoning work on the cross
The personhood of the Holy Spirit
The second coming of Jesus Christ
The Way of Adonai is focused on reaching the world with the gospel and providing resources to aid people in understanding the Bible. As such we believe the Bible is the Word of God and, when rightly understood in context, is true, authoritative, and without error in all its truth propositions.
We also affirm the gospel of Jesus Christ—that salvation is exclusively given by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, having nothing to do with human merit in any point or any regard. This means the gospel and saving faith are not related to membership in, or commitment to, any religious denomination. All who embrace the gospel of Christ are therefore full members in one family of God.