Our Story

How it all started...

Candy and I were happy stewarding an online outreach called AllAboutGOD.com where the gospel had been proclaimed over 384 million times with over 3 million decisions were made from 2002-2024. Due to massive censorship of the gospel starting in late 2019/early 2020 the number of monthly gospel presentations had decreased from 3,000,000 to less than 300,000.  Frustrated, I began investigating other Christian websites resulting in me writing this paper in mid-2020:

"He Who Controls the Information Controls the World:  Google’s Behavioral Modification Goals Include the De-ranking of Christian Websites"

The takeaway from that paper is that we are not the only Christian website having its traffic from Google suppressed. In fact, 70 Christian websites have lost 44.8% of their organic traffic from Google from June 2019 to June 2020. Moreover, if you were very front facing with the gospel you were suppressed over 90%. I urge you to read it for yourself.  The suppression has now extended to discipleship websites meaning it's not simply the gospel that is in danger, it's also the church.

Near the end of the last two weeks of 2023 when I was fasting, praying and seeking the LORD in His Word for next steps for the days ahead I heard Him speak two very clear words like He was sitting right next to me. He said, “Greg, teach.” I wrote it down and I knew my fast was over but as I continued to pray for His provision the Holy Spirit came upon me so powerfully that I knew I had all the petitions I had made.

A Providential Meeting with a Missionary, a Foundation and Two Dreams
I met a missionary from Cyprus (name withheld) through my friend, Pastor Greg MacPherson of In His Presence Ministries Church. This missionary was explaining to me how he needed a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in order to receive a gift from a foundation to turn a brothel into a discipleship and missionary training facility. I asked him if he really prayed about starting a 501(c)(3) because I believe it is merely a matter of time before this type of non-profit will be leveraged by an unfriendly government as a bludgeon to force the compromise of the gospel message online and offline. He agreed but said he did not know what else to do and that he knew little about business. I offered to talk to the brother that ran the foundation to see if he could provide the funds to the missionary through some other means.

I had a dream which was interpreted by people within All About GOD to indicate the 501(c)(3) that AllAboutGOD.com operates was in danger of loss or being put in a position to compromise the gospel. I have had other dreams about this in the past but did not feel led to act on them except to write a contingency plan over a decade ago that I have kept up-to-date over the years. I never felt the time had come to act on it. When Candy and I called this brother that runs the foundation, I asked him if there was any other way for the missionary to receive the money. He told me about a 508(c)(1)(a) non-profit that his group had just funded to build a house of prayer in the northwest. He explained all the advantages of it over a 501(c)(3) but that the downside was the missionary would have to be an ordained pastor. He even put me in contact with Christian attorneys to set up a 508(c)(1)(a).

I had another dream where I was sitting on a bench waiting to meet someone and Candy went right past me into an office and started talking about the 508. I shared the dream for interpretation, and it was agreed this was the next step, not just for the missionary, but for us. We spoke with the Christian organization that sets up these 508 corporations and got all our legal questions answered. Clearly, this was the perfect way for the missionary to receive his funds to realize their vision. It was also the next step GOD was indicating for us.

Prayer Time with the Pastors
Every Tuesday at 9am I meet with the pastors of Valencia County, New Mexico in either Rio Communities, Belen or Los Lunas. They rotate the prayer gathering each week in different churches. This is truly a work of unity that has been going on for 14 years. I have been blessed to attend since building the website FaithOverFearAmerica.com when we put on protests during the COVID lockdown. All of the pastors that I now pray with on a regular basis plus more from the county all came together to worship, pray, preach and encourage the people from multiple churches at one large gathering. It was a huge blessing, but I digress. Back to my story.

On January 29th, after prayer I was speaking with the pastors about the 508 and my need to be ordained. They asked questions and one immediately said, I’ll ordain you. Let’s discuss all that will entail. To make a long story short, I was ordained on March 3, 2024 after preaching a message at that church. I felt like I did not have time to really finish my message, but GOD humbled me in letting me see 20% to 25% of the church respond by coming up for prayer afterwards. I think it was just the LORD’s way of saying, “Greg, I got this. I told you to teach but remember I give the increase.” (1 Corinthians 3:7)

The Adventure Continues
So now I am an ordained, independent non-denominational pastor, but it cost a fair sum of money to set up a new 508(c)(1)(a) church so Candy and I prayed asking our King for the money. A day later while discipling a brother that serves with us as a volunteer, he told me about a property that he was selling and that he felt led to give a portion of the money to us personally. This was our answer to prayer and the next step in the adventure. We gratefully deposited the funds and personally paid the fees to set up our 508(c)(1)(a) called, The Way of Adonai.

The Bottom Line
This 508(c)(1)(a) non-profit will allow us to provide tax deductions as well as continue our calling to do an online outreach to the world with the added benefit of NOT having signed our rights away to communicate whatever we choose to as a church online. This is not true of a 501(c)(3) non-profit like you probably attend or a ministry like All About GOD. I can name and back any government leader or candidate whereas now my speech has been restrained from doing so. This is critically important in the season we are in right now. America is literally disintegrating before our eyes. I won’t bother detailing it because you know what I mean and yet it appears to me that GOD is paving the way for that to change.

Ministry leaders that have influence and reach but have been silenced by a 501(c)(3) non-profit now have a way to speak out with greater boldness. The time has come not only to continue proclaiming the Gospel globally but to teach GOD’s Word in Spirit and in Truth and to literally call out candidates and government officials and their actions or inactions publicly.


Faith Over Fear America

During COVID-19 All About GOD built and ran the website FaithOverFearAemrica.com.  The two events we had in Belen, NM and Socorro, NM resulted in Greg joining the Tuesday morning prayer time with many of the pastors that participated in that event.

Make Disciples of All Nations (ethnolinguistic people groups)

Only GOD knows where we are headed, but are intent is to do whatever, whenever and however the LORD leads us in the days ahead that we might equip a remnant of sold-out believers on what the actual great Commission means and to set about praying for the unreached people groups of the world, sending resources to those church planters and church planting movement trainers on the front lines of the spiritually darkest places in the world. Most of this lies in the 10/40 window. Every people, tongue, tribe and nation that we see in Revelation 5:9 and 7:9 has yet to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time and they must in order to see the Great Commission completed in our generation. By His grace we intend to not only participate in that effort as we did in All About GOD but to support others' efforts to the best of our ability as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to do so. Only GOD knows what is next so we remain flexible in the Spirit to His leading.